Tuesday, July 23, 2019

John dillinger Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

John dillinger - Research Paper Example His mother died when he was barely three and his father, an industrious grocer, brought him up in an environment of disciplinary extremes, at times harsh and repressive, but permissive and generous at other times. When Dillinger‘s father married another wife six years later, he became devoted to his step-mother who took care of him as if he were her own son. He went to Public school No. 38 but he became tired of school and quit before finishing grade eight and got a job in a veener mill (Kekionga Press, 6). Dillinger quickly lost interest with the job and he stayed out all night most of the times. Bothered that city temptations would corrupt his son, Dillinger‘s father, moved his family to a farm near Mooresville, Indiana, but this did not change him – he started running wild within no time. He later joined the navy, following trouble with the law (theft) and a break with his father. However, he soon got himself into problems and left his ship after docking in Bost on.

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